Mathew 7: 1-2
Do not judge others, so that God will not judge you,
for God will judge you in the same way you judge others,
and he will apply the same rules you apply to others.

Remember these verses every time you judge somebody. Man comes in all shapes with different personalities and characters. Yet, all are God's children. If we have been praying that no one judges us, then, it's also the same we should pray not to judge others!

Matthew 15:17 - 20

Don't you understand?
Anything that goes into a person's mouth goes into his stomach and then out of his body.
But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these are the things that make a person unclean.
For from his heart come the evil ideas which lead him to kill, commit adultery, and do other immoral things; to rob, lie and slander others.
These are the things that make a person unclean ..............

Sometimes, we don't mean to say things that will hurt others. Most of the time, we thought we meant well. However, what we want to mean in our heart, will surely reflects in our words.
So, watch out!
Pray that we are all careful with what we think, least we offend our Maker too!

Happiness is spiritual, born of truth and love.
It is unselfish; therefore it cannot exist alone,
but requires all mankind to share it.

- Mary Baker Eddy

Today, try to feel the 'love' you have for yourself and others. If you love yourself more, then it is selfish. But, if you love others more, that's not a sacrifice..... just a reflection of unhappiness.
In my opinion, you need to balance the love you have for yourself and to others, then you'll truly be happy.
Sad to say, not every man can share their happiness. Man posseses this great feeling for others ...... not love but jealousy!

Proverbs 6:16-19

There are seven things that the Lord hates and cannot tolerate:

A proud look,
A lying tongue,
Hands that kill innocent people,
A mind that thinks up wicked plans,
Feet that hurry off to do evil,
A witness who tells one lie after another,
A man who stirs up trouble among friends.

As a humble person, I possess all the weaknesses mentioned. Even I do good all day, the Lord may still search through my heart and know my motives.

Jesus spoke to the Pharisees again,
"I am the light of the world," he said.
"Whoever follows me will have the light of life and will never walk in darkness."

John 8:12

We always lost our way even though there's light around us. How amusing!
What can we be if there's no inner light (truth) in us?
What will happen if our Lord was not here once to grace our ways?

One who gains strength by overcoming obstacles possesses
the only strength which can overcome adversity.

- Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965)

Isn't it true? What an insight!

Let us not be content to wait and see what will happen, but give us the determination to make the right things happen.
- Peter Marshall (1902-1949)

I always like to wait for some time before I decide. Good opportunities passed by me, just like that.
Now, I determine not to wait and see. I want to act what I think is right, hoping to grip on the opportunity, even though it may not be as great.

Where is your treasure

The kingdom of heaven is like this:
A man happens to find a treasure hidden in a field. He covers it up again, and is so happy that he goes and sells everything he has, and then goes back and buys that field.

Most of us found our ‘treasure’. However, we never really appreciated it. We only thought finding the treasure should be one of the many quests in our short lives. Gradually, with many setbacks, we have forgotten where we placed the treasure or whether we really found it! How pathetic!
And so, we start all over again, looking high and low for the treasure!

Happy are those who are persecuted
because they do what God requires;
the Kingdom of heaven belongs to them!

Matthew 5:10

These days, we still do not do what God requires of us, not because of persecution, but mostly out of selfishness and pride.
The Kingdom of God is now farther and farther away.........................

How Are You Today?

I Said a Prayer for You Today

I said a prayer for you today
and I know God must have heard,
I felt the answer in my heart
although He spoke no word.
I didn't ask for wealth or fame -
I knew you wouldn't mind -
I asked him to send treasures
of a far more lasting kind.
I asked that He be near you
at the start of each new day,
To grant you health and blessings
and friends to share your way.
I asked for happiness for you
In all things great and small;
But it was for his loving care
I prayed for most of all!

- Author Unknown

Why must we pray for fame and wealth when they come in a package when we pray for others?


It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which,
more than anything else, will affect its successful outcome.
(William James, American psychologist and author, 1842-1910)

How true!
It’s always our attitude towards the incidents in our short lives that determine
how we live the remaining years!

Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called sons of God.

Matthew 5:9

Many called themselves as peacemaker, but, are they?

Happy are the pure in heart;
they will see God!
Matthew 5:8

Happy are those who are merciful to others,
God will be mercil to them!

Matthew 5:7

Happy are those whose greatest desire
is to do what God requires;
God will satisfy them fully!
Matthew 5:6

Have you prayed today?
Do you know what God wants you to do today?
I know.
He wants me to be happy today.
He wants me to be grateful that I have a 'present' to look forward to.


Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the kingdom

Matthew 5:5

I love this verse as it reminds me how I have changed throughout the years.
I know I’m no more the humble one, yet God always wants me to be humble.
He wants to share His kingdom with me, you, and everyone who is as humble as Jesus.

He is my comfort

Happy are those who mourn;
God will comfort them!
Matthew 5:4

Isn’t it wonderful and amazing to know that even though you think you are alone, burdened with all the troubles of the world, God is there to comfort you. He will never, ever leave you.

Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 5:3

When one is spiritually poor, he is usually very humble. His acceptance level of God's words is very high. I believe God wants us to be humbe but not spiritually poor so that we can share his kingdom.