"....... The harvest is plentiful but the worker are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." - Matthew 9: 37-38
The time will come when each one of us will be a worker of the harvest. Helping out in the harvest does not mean preaching the good news using our mouths. It is not just being heard aloud in the broad daylight.
Being a harvest worker also means that we have to 'act out' what we are preaching! If we dare to preach God's words, we dare to act them out. Being God's children, we preach through our actions, which are seen by others all the time.
When God said that He loves the world, he did so by sending His only son to be with us. He acted on His words and not merely just said so. In the Bible, it is revealed many times what God did to make His own promises worked.
As God's children, we need to act on our words too. After all, words and deeds do go together!