“Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.”
Children are playful and curious explorers. They just do not stay still at one place and do not have to wait to be invited into any activities. They maybe lost without their parents yet they cannot control their own curiosities.
As God's children, we all have the same trait. We tend to be curious with things and events around us. Many times, we fall and lose our ways. With God's grace, we are brought back again, unhurt. Although we are warned time and again not to leave His side, we seldom remember the warning. All we know when we are lost is to cry for help!
Like the prodigal son, we learned our lessons well. We abide by Him, because we know to do so is the only way we can multiply and be fruitful. God is the main vine and we are the branches. Without the main vine, we are deprived of all the nutrients we need for physical and spiritual growth.
It is not that we are not encouraged to grow on our own; we ought to know what is right and wrong. We need to be careful with the pitfalls in our lives. It is better and safe to remain in the vine!