Mark 10:15
"... I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it."
A child, is just like a small bud. With a simple, innocent mind. He believes and trusts in his parents or family members. His loyalty to them is undying and unquestionable.
Let this trust and loyalty grow, you will see a beautiful bloom.
All of us have been little children before. Yet, on the growing up path, we were betrayed, treated harshly and even had our innocent minds corrupted. We experienced the pain of 'knowing the truths' and 'coming back to reality'. Due to this, we are looking for ways to get even.
However, raising a child and shielding him from all truths may not be so right. Yet, all pains have a story behind them. Share the story, make them life-lessons. Children grow from that. They may not be perfect but, they will become better people than we are. Definitely.
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