"........ unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whorever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven ..."
How can we be little children again? Many years ago when I first read these verse, I used to wonder aloud. Then, I began to observe littele children. Yes, they do have the innocence. The way they trust and follow their parents' and teachers' advices really amazes me. They really believe in everything people they trust said. Any child is humble and innocent.
In the East, children who go to school are taught to reverend and respect their teachers. Every time I see children greet their teachers, they will make a small bow. That is a show of reverence. However, these beautiful gestures are not seen after they grew up.
I think that is why the Lord says, "....unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven ......" It is not our physical He means, but our minds. Life fills us with lots of worries and false hopes .... and we sometimes even lost faith in God. Isn't it time to change and become child like again ..... for the sake of the kingdom of heaven as promised by God?
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