"Do not judge or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."
Do you like to give others a good first impression? The truth is, all of us do. Even children are able to behave well in front of strangers!
As children of God, we are taught not to judge. However, how many of us remember this?
Yet, when you start to count your own blessings, then you will know how blessed you are. This, hopefully will remind you to stop judging others.
I started to recount my blessings years ago. I have already forgotten how to measure others, because I always remind myself ..... that poor and bend beggar could be me. I know how I measure others will always be used against me .... on earth or on Judgement Day.
Only God has the right to judge us. Yet, He has reserved the right to do so. He allows us to repent and gives us many chances to do so. If God has not in any way judged us, what right do we have to judge others?
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