Whose Values to Follow?

See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.

Colossians 2: 8

Someone once shared that it is easier to continue in Christ than to make a comeback. I did not understand it till recently. Being in Christ means living according to His Words; in His discipline and allowing Christ to be the number one in our lives. Yet, when we made a comeback after leaving Him, the journey will be harder.

There are too many broken relationships to mend. What more, there are seeds of distrusts sown and need to be dug out before too late. It is not comfortable to rebuild a life as before.

We, human are consistently adding more values to our daily lives – not enough with the -isms we already have. Materialism, humanism, hedonism, legalism, secularism, naturalism, relativism and so on. As these values grow, we are drawing a line on our relationship with God. In short, we are held captive by these earthly values.

Yet, despise all our shortcomings; God wants us to return to Him. He wants us to let go the worldly values and embrace His love, values, grace and everything He has. Accept the opportunity to return to His cuddle, no matter how difficult it will be. God will not allow us to endure the hardship alone!


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