Isaiah 55:6 Seek the Lord while He may be found;
call on Him while He is near.
A few years ago, a depressed friend contacted me for a drink. I knew she had some personal problems and needed someone to talk to. It was just, I was not in town at that moment. I felt sad because she would not talk to anyone else. When I got home, I called her. But, there was no reply. I contacted a few friends but they did not know where she was. It was a real sad time for all of us.
Later, someone told us ... she was dead. Apparently suicide. Her family did not even want to talk about her anymore. They had her cremated and we were not told where her ashes were scattered. Now, she is our greatest memory and regret ..... the fun and love we shared with her ....... and the time when we could not be there when she needed us ...............
She did not know God, eventhough she used to hang out with us when we had our Bible studies. She used to laugh out loud when she heard our prayers. She was there because there would be free supper after the gatherings. Well, she had wasted the only chance to know God.
If you read this, and you know, someone who is like 'she' in the story above, please pray for them. Nobody is perfect. Not everyone wakes up every morning wanting to thank God. We should be grateful that we seek and found our souls' Saviour!