Have Faith

Isaiah 30:21
Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it."
Many years ago, I heard a preacher shared a story about faith. He said .... "Faith is like driving along a lone dark road, you have nothing to guide you but the headlight of your vehicle. All you need to do is to drive on where the light shines on."

Many of us have forgotten that walking along the lone road of faith needs lots of encouragement as well as motivation. When these are not available around you, the Word of God is still there. There are millions of people who made the same journey and are always within reach through the church!

Walking in faith is not easy. However, we still have the light to guide us. This comes in the form of the Word of God as well as our prayers. Travellers like us make simple steps and enjoy every step we made, because we have faith in our Maker.


surjit singh said...

Great words of wisdom:
...'Walking in faith is not easy. However, we still have the light to guide us. This comes in the form of the Word of God as well as our prayers. Travellers like us make simple steps and enjoy every step we made, because we have faith in our Maker..
Thanks Ferish,for such a noble reminder. You have a wonderful blog.Good luck.